I try to list some helpful links.

July 11, 2011
As time passes, many of the below links will not be so urgent any more.
Here are some LINKS that sum op what happened since March 11, 2011:
The Japan Quake
source : www.time.com
Social Media in the Tohoku Disaster Survey
source : kusmdisastersurvey
February 2012
List of Tohoku Initiatives
This is a {preliminary} list of groups, individuals, and institutions active in the disaster hit area of Tohoku in northern Japan, or of projects elsewhere in Japan that can serve as good practice examples for reconstruction.
In its current state,
it represents an unsystematic, broad collection of various projects of differing scopes and scales. In the long-run, however, we aim to provide a systematic database and map of who is doing what, where, how, and with which success in the fields of alternative energy, community building, multi-generation housing, transportation, architecture, master plans, agriculture, economic development, and art & design.
source : tpf2.net/initiatives
March 2011 disaster digital archives in the making
Almost a year on from the catastrophic earthquake that hit northeastern Japan, a wide range of organizations is building digital archives to preserve memories of the events of March 11th for future generations.
Among them, Tohoku University is collecting photos and video of damage caused by the quake and tsunami, as well as documenting the subsequent reconstruction, mainly in the northern prefecture of Miyagi.
The university is based in Sendai, which was hit hard by the disasters. It aims to hand down its archives in cooperation with other universities and private firms. The collection can be seen at
Major internet search engine operators Yahoo and Google are also preparing their own archives through a joint effort to collect photos and video.
They say a total of about 50,000 items have been contributed by users of their sites so far.
Yahoo's collection is at
http://archive.shinsai.yahoo.co.jp while
Google's is at www.miraikioku.com
Elsewhere, the National Diet Library is preparing to release a collection of post-disaster materials from the websites of various municipalities. Many people regularly referred to local-government sites in the wake of the disasters.
Some municipalities are digitizing their materials and the minutes of various meetings made after the disasters for future examination.
Experts note that digital archive operators need to sort out issues like the copyright of collected materials and the standardization of formats for the various types of data gathered by a variety of organizations.
source : NHK World News, February 17
recovering tohoku
i’m a phd student of architecture at kobe university, from the u.s.a., most recently seattle, where i did my masters. i’m also a part time researcher in an organization for disaster recovery knowledge management in kobe.
Monthly Archives
source : recoveringtohoku.wordpress.com
. Helpful websites, useful phone numbers
. Latest News : NHK-gtv : video
. Japan Times : News .
. NHK . daily news
Desaster Prevention Net . Japanese
Japan's Earthquake Information
... www.japanfs.org
Phone numbers to consult about missing persons:
(Japanese language)
Iwate: 0120-801-471
Miyagi: 022-221-2000
Fukushima: 0120-510-186 / 090-8424-4207 / 090-8424-4208
Shelter information
Shelter locations (Japanese language)
Local Japan Emergency dials:
171 + 1 + line phone number to leave a message
171 + 2 + line phone number to listen to the message
To do the same thing on the Internet:
https://www.web171.jp/ NTT
Disaster message boards
NTT Docomo disaster message board
KDDI/au disaster message board
SoftBank disaster message board
EMOBILE disaster message board
WILLCOM disaster message board
Fuer Deutsche in Japan : Telefonnummern
Botschaft in Tokio Telefonnummer 0357917700
Bereitschaftsdienst der Botschaft Österreichs: 09046000148
Schweiz: 0354498400
DRK - Japan Erdbeben und Tsunami
Regionalwissenschaftler informieren!
. Japan in deutschen Medien
National Radiation Map,
depicting environmental radiation levels across the USA, updated in real time every minute.
source : radiationnetwork.com
Map of Japan showing the Nuclear Sites around the country
focused on the Fukishima Nuclear Power Plants
source : radiationnetwork.com/Japan
Japan Quake Map
by Paul Nicholls
Registers all the shocks and aftershocks as circle images.
Fukushima, Radiation 福島第一原子力発電所
Japanese, about the radiation problems
TEPCO ... Fukushima Plant News
TEPCO Values since March 11 but stopped suddenly
. PDF-list with values
radioactive rain measurements in all of Japan
. Weather forecast, Fukushima Prefecture
. Wind Direction in Tohoku Japan
Nuclear Accident in Japan: General Assessment
source : www.ucsusa.org
. . . . . facts from Wikipeida
Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant
Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant (福島第二原子力発電所)
with updates from the accident on march 11.
The Japan Quake
full coverage
source : www.time.com/time/specials
In German, a BLOG
helping Japan, useful links
Sustainable Energy - without the hot air
David JC MacKay FRS
Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge.
source : www.withouthotair.com

Tsunami 津波
tsunami (津波, lit. "harbor wave"
facts from the wikipedia
Satelite photos - before and after it hit
source : Tsunami Alarm System
"This Wall of Shame is being assembled by various people, many of whom are on the ground in Japan as residents, not temporarily assigned journalists, who are sick of the sensationalist, overly speculative, and just plain bad reporting that has gone on since the Tohoku quake in Japan last Friday (March 11). "
source : Journalist+Wall+of+Shame
Relief efforts
American Red Cross
Contributions to the American Red Cross International Response Fund may be made through the American Red Cross of the Heartland website at
The terrible destruction in Japan, the continuing lack of electricity and food and shelter for millions of Japanese, and looming concerns over Japan’s damaged nuclear reactors, are causing great hardship and suffering.
All funds will be handled by Mark Schumacher (author of this site), who will ensure their timely dispersal to the Japanese Red Cross 日本赤十字 or any other humanitarian organization here on-the-ground in Japan.
IMPORTANT: (March 20, 2011)
The Japanese government now requires
all donating agencies to be authorized. Thus, sadly, I was forced by both the Japanese government and by Paypal to remove my earlier donation-collecting page. So please direct all your many readers to the above URL. Any prior links that you might have used are defunct.
Please help by making a donation, no matter how small.

source : onmarkproductions.com
Mark is a longtime Daruma friend of mine, he lives in Kamakura.
He provided the "Earthquake Talisman".
Matsushima Relief Fund
I was in Matsushima during the earthquake/tsunami. Although the buildings remain standing (most) much damage at the 1st floor level due to tsunami. Buddhist Temple suffered structural damage but remains standing - used as a shelter the night of the earthquake. Matsushima is currently focusing on rebuilding efforts in order to give hope to the communities around them that were devastated.
source : Matsushima Relief Fund . facebook .
source : the story behind the Relief Fund
(Take your time to read this amazing story! )
accepting donations, providing help
Higashi Hongan-Ji Temple
Myoshin-Ji Temple
Jion-Ji Temple, Rikuzen Takada town 慈恩寺 陸前髙田市
Time Out Tokyo
Give money, give blood, but don't head to the afflicted areas
source : www.timeout.jp/en
Japan Earthquake Relief Fund
Japan Society
Japan Society has created a disaster relief fund to aid victims of the Tohoku earthquake in Japan. Over the years, Japan Society has partnered with several Japanese and American non-profits working on the frontlines of disaster relief and recovery. 100% of your generous tax-deductible contributions will go to organization(s) that directly help victims recover from the devastating effects of the earthquake and tsunamis that struck Japan on March 11, 2011.
source : www.japansociety.org
First Giving : Japan Disaster Relief
I have created this fundraising page to aid with the enormous relief efforts will be required to help Japan recover and rebuild.
source : www.firstgiving.com : yuko-motoki

. MORE about donations for Japan
from tee shirts to tea mugs ... buy now
Tee shirts and mugs with Daruma are available !
. Zazzle . Earthquake Relief Japan

. Ganbaranba がんばらんば .
Support for Tohoku !
Spenden aus Deutschland
Kyuentai e.V. Tübingen
Zunächst liegt der Fokus auf der Präfektur Iwate, zu der wir enge persönliche Kontakte pflegen. Die Küstenlinie der Präfektur war eines der Zentren der Zerstörung durch den Tsunami.
source : kyuentai.org
. Save Energy ! 節電 Setsuden !
Updates about Nuclear Problems in Japan
source : www.greenpeace.org
from the WKD files
Magnitude 8.8
Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 06:34:14 UTC
. Tsunami Warning in Japan
. . . . .
. Earthquake in Iwate, 7.2
June 14, 2008
. . . . .
. Tsunami in Kamakura, 15th century

The Big Buddha lost his head from the tsunami.
A giant catfish (namazu) lived in mud beneath the earth. The catfish liked to play pranks and could only be restrained by Kashima,a god who protected the Japanese people from earthquakes.
. WKD : Earthquake (jishin 地震)
earth kigo for early autumn
shinsai kinenbi 震災記念日 (しんさいきねんび)
earthquake memorial day
..... shinsai ki 震災忌(しんさいき)
The 1923 Great Kantō earthquake
(関東大震災, Kantō daishinsai)
. . . . .
earth kigo for mid-autumn
kazetsunami, kaze tsunami 風津波(かぜつなみ)
"tsunami made by the wind"
storm surge, flood tide (takashio)
Tide in all seasons
[ . BACK to TOP of this BLOG. ]
We sure need this, Gabi, thank you again for keeping us informed.
Courage - Endurance - Honor
ReplyDeleteI admire
The world admires
The Japanese People
My heart is filled with sorrow for Japan...
Most sncerely