The Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant
(浜岡原子力発電所, Hamaoka Genshiryoku Hatsudensho, Hamaoka NPP) is a nuclear power plant located in Omaezaki city, Shizuoka Prefecture, on Japan's east coast, 200 km south-west of Tokyo. It is managed by the Chubu Electric Power Company.
There are five units contained at a single site with a net area of 1.6 km2 (395 acres).
A sixth unit began construction on December 22, 2008. On January 30, 2009, Hamaoka-1 and Hamaoka-2 were permanently shut down.
On 7 May, 2011, Prime Minister Naoto Kan ordered the plant be shut down in light of the fact that an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or higher is estimated 87% likely to hit the area within the next 30 years.
. Wikipedia .
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. Nuclear power in Japan .
and info about the other power plants in Japan.
Friday, May 06, 2011 21:02
Kan calls for halt of Hamaoka nuclear plant
Prime Minister Naoto Kan has asked a utility firm in central Japan to halt operations of all active reactors at the Hamaoka nuclear power plant, due to the risk of earthquakes.
Kan told a hastily arranged news conference on Friday evening that he made the decision in the wake of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
The prime minister said he asked Chubu Electric Power Company that operates the Hamaoka plant to halt reactors No.4 and No.5, and not to restart reactor No.3, which is now offline for regular inspections.
The plant in Shizuoka Prefecture has 5 reactors, but units No.1 and 2 are permanently shut down for decommissioning.
The Hamaoka complex is known to sit directly above the projected focus of the Tokai Earthquake that experts have long warned of.
Kan said that a science ministry panel on earthquake research has projected an 87-percent possibility of a magnitude-8-class earthquake hitting the region within 30 years.
He said that considering the unique location of the Hamaoka plant, the operator must draw up and implement mid-to-long-term plans to ensure the reactors can withstand the projected Tokai Earthquake. Kan also said that until such plans are implemented, all the reactors should remain out of operation.
Chubu Electric has declined to respond immediately to the prime minister's request. But Kan said he will try hard to win the company's understanding.
The prime minister added that his government will do its utmost to ensure the stoppage of the reactors does not seriously affect power supplies in Chubu Electric's service areas.
Kan said that although power shortages might occur when demand surges in the summer, he is confident that with the cooperation and understanding of the public, the nation can overcome such difficulties.
Friday, May 06, 2011 21:02
Hamaoka plant sits in Tokai quake focal zone
The Hamaoka nuclear power plant is located above the projected focus of a magnitude-8-class earthquake that could strike Shizuoka Prefecture.
Seismologists have long been warning that the likely Tokai earthquake could occur any time.
They say massive earthquakes have hit the region every 100 to 150 years, but no major quake has occurred there since the one that struck in the 19th century.
The government predicts that the focus would stretch inland from the southern edge of Yamanashi Prefecture to the central and western parts of Shizuoka Prefecture, and to the prefecture's Pacific coastal area as well.
All areas in Shizuoka would feel a jolt with an intensity of 6-minus to the maximum 7 on the Japanese scale of 0 to 7.
It also projects that a major tsunami of more than 5 meters will strike the coastal area and in some places, the waves could top 10 meters.

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Saturday, May 07, 2011 05:35
Critics slam Kan's plan to shut Hamaoka reactors
Critics say Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan's call to shut down the reactors at the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant is too sudden.
Kan said on Friday that he had asked the plant's operator to stop the reactors until necessary safety measures are completed.
He pointed out that the plant has an 87 percent chance of being hit by a magnitude 8 earthquake in the next 30 years.
The Prime Minister's nuclear advisor, Goshi Hosono, says Kan made the decision because public safety should not be compromised in the slightest.
But some members of the ruling parties are critical.
They say Kan's decision was too sudden, and could have repercussions for all the other nuclear plants.
Some facilities are said to be unsafe because they are near active faults.
The Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party, Nobuteru Ishihara, said he wants to ask the prime minister in the Diet whether he had considered Japan's overall electricity needs.
But other lawmakers are expected to grill Kan on his decision to close down only Hamaoka. They want the prime minister to explain his vision for how Japan will meet its mid- to long-term energy needs.
Saturday, May 07, 2011 15:58
Chubu Electric board yet to reach conclusion
The operator of the Hamaoka nuclear power plant in central Japan has not been able to reach a conclusion on the prime minister's request to halt operations of all active reactors due to the risk of earthquake.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Friday requested that not only the Number 3 reactor, which is undergoing regular inspection, but also the Number 4 and 5 reactors at the Hamaoka plant be stopped in the wake of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
The board directors of Chubu Electric Power Company met for about one-and-a-half hours at its headquarters in Nagoya on Saturday to discuss Kan's request, but were unable to reach a conclusion.
The utility says the date for the next board meeting has not been fixed.
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Sunday, May 08, 2011 04:08
Chubu Electric puts off decision on Hamaoka plant
The government has requested the shut down of all reactors at the Hamaoka nuclear power plant in central Japan, due to the risk of a massive earthquake.
However, the operator of the plant has postponed its decision to accept the request.
The Board of Directors at the Chubu Electric Power Company met on Saturday, to discuss Prime Minister Naoto Kan's request.
On Friday, Kan called on the utility to temporarily shut down all active reactors at the Hamaoka nuclear plant.
The directors reportedly agreed that the Prime Minister's request should be respected.
However, some of them said the utility would be unable to offer a stable supply of electricity if nuclear power generation is suspended. It would also be unable to provide electricity to the Tokyo Electric Power Company, which is recovering from an accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
Other directors pointed out a possible cost increase of more than 3-billion dollars a year if the utility increases operation at thermal power plants in place of atomic generation. They say the company may fall into the red.
After the board meeting, the company's chairman Toshio Mita 三田敏雄 left for Qatar for negotiations to procure additional liquefied natural gas to be used for power generation.
The utility is to make a decision on the Hamaoka plant later this week after the chairman returns to Japan.
Sunday, May 08, 2011 14:56
Sengoku: Gov't will not ask halt of other reactors
Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito Sengoku 仙谷由人 has indicated that the Japanese government will not ask for a halt of nuclear reactor operations other than those at the Hamaoka plant in central Japan.
Sengoku spoke during an NHK debate program on Sunday. His comment follows Prime Minister Naoto Kan's announcement on Friday that he asked Chubu Electric Power Company to halt operations of all active reactors at the Hamaoka plant due to the risk of a massive earthquake on the Pacific side of central Japan.
The government is currently reviewing the risk of other nuclear power plants across the nation after the Fukushima accident.
Sengoku said the government's disaster prevention council last month discussed an 87-percent probability of a major quake hitting the region within 30 years. It questioned the Hamaoka plant's ability to cope with an earthquake and tsunami.
Sengoku said for now most of the areas where other nuclear plants are situated have low risks of major earthquakes over the next 30 years. He added that it has been scientifically proven that nuclear plants on the Sea of Japan coast in particular pose no worry.
He stressed that the government will maintain its current energy policy of supporting nuclear power.
Sunday, May 08, 2011 23:00
Kan: Hamaoka shutdown "exceptional measure"
Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his request to suspend the Hamaoka nuclear power plant is an exceptional measure.
The prime minister told reporters in Tokyo on Sunday that he will not ask other utility firms to halt the operations of their nuclear plants.
Kan said he asked the Chubu Electric Power Company to suspend the Hamaoka plant because the science ministry predicts an 87 percent chance of a massive earthquake in the area in the next 30 years. He added that the time is imminent and he hopes the utility will discuss the situation and find the most appropriate solution.
The CEPCO directors met on Saturday and postponed a decision on whether to comply with the request.
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Monday, May 09, 2011 06:04
Protesters demand stoppage of Hamaoka plant
In Nagoya, central Japan, about 1,000 people have taken to the streets to demand that Chubu Electric Power Company halt the operation of its Hamaoka nuclear plant. Prime Minister Naoto Kan has requested the suspension.
Sunday's demonstration was organized by a group calling for a nuclear-free society.
The organizers say the 1,000 protesters included students and families. They marched near the headquarters of Chubu Electric Power Company, shouting that a nuclear-free society could start from the region. The protesters demanded that the company accept the prime minister's request that it suspend the operation of the Hamaoka plant, shift its focus to renewable energy, and scrap the plant in the long run.
A woman who brought her child to the protest said she realized the danger of nuclear plants after the accident at Fukushima. She said people should conserve power as much as possible, to make up for a possible suspension of the Hamaoka plant.
A university student at the protest said corporations and individuals would be inconvenienced by any suspension, so demonstrators must take responsibility for the consequences of their protests if they're successful.
Monday, May 09, 2011 16:39
Utility group head wants Hamaoka explanation
The leader of Japan's utility industry group has asked the government to thoroughly explain its request to halt the operation of the Hamaoka nuclear power plant in central Japan.
The Chairman of the Federation of Electric Power Companies, Makoto Yagi, made the request to economy and industry minister Banri Kaieda on Monday.
Yagi said he was surprised by the government decision. As president of Kansai Electric Power Company, Yagi said the utility has promoted nuclear power generation in line with national energy policy.
He also said resuming nuclear plants, now suspended for regular inspections, is the key to ensure stable power supply.
Kaieda said the government considers all nuclear power plants except Hamaoka to have no safety problems. He added that the government will make efforts to persuade local authorities to agree on resuming plants after inspections.
Yagi told reporters after the meeting that the federation will do all it can to win understanding from host communities of nuclear plants and that he wants the government to do the same.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Friday requested the suspension of all reactors at the Hamaoka plant in Shizuoka Prefecture, citing a need for better protection against earthquakes.
Monday, May 09, 2011 20:06
Hamaoka plant suspension worries manufacturers
Concern is growing that Chubu Electric Power Company's suspension of the Hamaoka nuclear power plant would affect Japanese manufacturing companies with plants in regions where the utility supplies electricity.
Chubu Electric Power Company supplies electricity for prefectures such as Aichi, Mie, Gifu and Shizuoka.
Automakers in those prefectures are concerned that cutting their power use will negatively affect production levels. Toyota Motor has 9 assembly plants in Aichi, Mie and Gifu. Other car makers such as Honda, Suzuki and Mitsubishi also have plants in the region.
The utility's nuclear power plant suspension was announced on the same day as Honda started producing a new model in Mie Prefecture.
Honda originally intended to produce the new model at a plant in Saitama Prefecture just outside Tokyo. Mie Prefecture was chosen instead to avoid power shortages expected in and outside Tokyo due to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
Honda's output has fallen to about half its usual level as the March 11th earthquake and tsunami disrupted supplies of parts.
Honda says it will have to revise production and sales plans if asked to significantly cut its power use during the summer.
Suzuki has a main production plant in Shizuoka Prefecture, where the Hamaoka plant is located.
The car manufacturer intends to come up with measures to address possible power shortages.
Electronics makers with plants are also located in the region covered by Chubu Electric Power Company. Toshiba and Fujitsu have large factories making semiconductors in Mie Prefecture. Panasonic has a plant for producing ventilators in Aichi Prefecture. Another in Shizuoka Prefecture is for washing machines and other products.
Monday, May 09, 2011 20:12
Chubu Electric agrees to suspend Hamaoka
Chubu Electric Power Company has agreed to a request from the Prime Minister to suspend operations at two reactors at its Hamaoka nuclear power plant.
The utility decided at a board of directors meeting on Monday afternoon to halt operations within a few days at Reactors Number 4 and 5 at the Hamaoka complex in Shizuoka Prefecture.
Monday's agreement comes in response to a request made by Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Friday to suspend operations of the active reactors at the complex until new earthquake-resistance work is completed. The Hamaoka plant is located about 200 kilometers west of Tokyo.
With the decision to halt operations at Reactors Number 4 and 5, all five of the plant's reactors will be shut down.
Reactors Number 1 and 2 have been shut down for decommissioning, and Reactor Number 3 is undergoing regular inspections.
After the board meeting, Chubu Electric President Akihisa Mizuno said the utility has yet to find a replacement source of power for the suspended Hamaoka plant.
He said Chubu has canceled plans to supply surplus electricity to the northern part of Japan. Tokyo Electric Power Company is a major power supplier to the area, but TEPCO is also expecting summer power shortages due to the nuclear plant accident.
Mizuno said the suspension of the Hamaoka plant represents a fresh burden for Chubu Electric, and that although the company will do its utmost to make its management more efficient, it will have to ask the government for assistance. He said the utility cannot ask its clients or shareholders to take on an undue burden.
The Hamaoka nuclear power complex is located directly above the projected focus of a magnitude eight class earthquake that experts have long predicted.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011 07:4
Chubu Electric to take measures for post-Hamaoka
The operator of the Hamaoka nuclear power plant says it will set up a taskforce to find ways to compensate for possible power shortages this summer. The company's president, Akihisa Mizuho, will head the group.
Chubu Electric Power Company decided on Monday to comply with Prime Minister Naoto Kan's request to suspend the operations of all the reactors in the plant.
The Nagoya-based company says the decision will force it to stop supplying power to eastern Japan covered by Tokyo Electric Power Company, the operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
It also says it will resume operations at a thermal power plant in Aichi Prefecture, central Japan.
The company estimates it will lose about 12 percent of its power supply after the Hamaoka shutdown and that, even with the measures, the supply will come short by up to 3 percent in summer.
The firm says it will ask Kansai Electric Power Company, its counterpart in western Japan, to supplement its power supplies during the period.
But TEPCO is also seeking supplies from Kansai Electric to fill a gap of one-million kilowatts of power created by Chubu Electric's decision.
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Friday, May 13, 2011 05:21
Procedures start to halt reactors at Hamaoka plant
Chubu Electric Power Company has begun procedures to stop the two remaining operational reactors at the Hamaoka nuclear power plant in central Japan.
The utility company plans to shutdown the No.4 and 5 reactors as requested by the government due to earthquake concerns.
The company started inserting control rods into the No.4 reactor at 3:30 AM on Friday.
It plans to halt power generation at the reactor at about 10 AM.
Operation of the reactor is expected to fully stop at about 3 PM.
The company says it will start inserting control rods into the No.5 reactor at about 1:00 AM Saturday, and shutdown the reactor in the afternoon.
At the plant, the No.1 and No.2 reactors had been shut down for decommission, and the No.3 had been stopped for regular inspection.
After the No. 4 and 5 reactors stop, all 5 reactors of the Hamaoka nuclear plant will be non-operational.
Friday, May 13, 2011 13:17
Hamaoka No.4 reactor being shut down
A reactor at the Hamaoka nuclear power plant in central Japan stopped generating electric power on Friday morning, as part of the process to suspend the plant's operations.
Work is underway to shut down the Number 4 and Number 5 reactors at the facility in Shizuoka Prefecture.
The plant's operator, Chubu Electric Power Company, said it began inserting control rods to stop the nuclear fission of the Number 4 reactor at 3:30 AM.
It said it severed the reactor's generator from the power transmission line at 10 AM and a control center monitor had confirmed that the output had fallen to zero.
The utility expects to stop the Number 4 reactor at about 3 PM on Friday, and the Number 5 reactor on Saturday afternoon.
After stopping the 2 reactors, all 5 reactors at the Hamaoka plant will be out of operation. The Number 1 and Number 2 reactors have already been shut down for decommissioning, and the Number 3 reactor has been stopped for a regular inspection.
Friday, May 13, 2011 17:38
Hamaoka No.4 reactor shut down
The operator of the Hamaoka nuclear plant in central Japan has completed shutting down one of its reactors as it begins suspending operations at the plant. The facility is being halted due to concerns over a massive earthquake that is forecast to strike nearby.
Chubu Electric Power Company started inserting control rods to stop nuclear fission at the No.4 reactor early on Friday morning.
The utility then disconnected the reactor's generator from the power transmission line. The control center monitor in Nagoya confirmed the reactor's output had fallen to zero.
Chubu Electric plans to reduce the temperature of the reactor to below 100 degrees Celsius on Saturday morning.
The company also plans to shut down the plant's No.5 reactor on Saturday.
The complete shutdown of the No.4 and 5 reactors will mean all 5 reactors at Hamaoka will be out of operation.
The No.1 and No.2 reactors have already been shut down for decommissioning, and the No.3 reactor has been stopped for a regular inspection.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan requested the suspension of the plant last week, saying it is located in an area where a major quake is predicted to occur in the near future, and safety measures are inadequate.
Saturday, May 14, 2011 12:00
All Hamaoka reactors stop generating power
The last operating reactor at the Hamaoka nuclear power plant in central Japan stopped generating electricity on Saturday morning as part of the process to suspend the plant's operations.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan requested the suspension of the plant last week, saying it is located in an area where a major earthquake is predicted to occur in the near future and safety measures are inadequate.
Early on Saturday morning, Chubu Electric Power Company started inserting control rods in the No.5 reactor to stop nuclear fission.
At 10:15 AM, the control center monitor in Nagoya City confirmed that the reactor's output had fallen to zero.
Nuclear fission in the reactor is expected to come to a halt in the afternoon, ending the reactor's operation.
The complete shutdown of the No.5 reactor means all 5 reactors at Hamaoka will be out of operation.
The No.1 and No.2 reactors had already been shut down for decommissioning, and the No.3 reactor has been stopped for a regular inspection. The No.4 reactor was shut down on Friday.
Also on Saturday, Kansai Electric Power Company is to shut down the No.3 reactor at the Mihama plant in Fukui Prefecture on the Sea of Japan coast for a periodic inspection.
As a result, 35 reactors in Japan, or two-thirds of the country's commercial nuclear reactors, will be shut down.
Some stopped operating after the March 11th disaster while others have been suspended after routine inspections.
Monday, May 16, 2011 05:31
Seawater found in coolant at Hamaoka plant
At the Hamaoka nuclear power plant in central Japan, seawater has been found in coolant at one reactor.
Five nuclear reactors at the Hamaoka plant in Omaezaki City, Shizuoka Prefecture, were all shut down on Saturday due to concern that a massive earthquake might hit the area. The move was in line with a request by Prime Minister Naoto Kan.
In the course of shutdown, plant operator Chubu Electric Power Company found impure substances in coolant water at the No.5 reactor.
The company reports damage to a duct connected to a condenser, a system that turns the steam generated by a nuclear reactor to water through the use of seawater.
Chubu Electric Power Company says 400 tons of seawater may be mixed into the cooling water that goes through the reactor.
It says 400 tons would not severely affect the reactor, and that no radioactive substances were detected outside the building.
But in order to prevent the reactor being eroded by seawater, the operator will take measures to remove salt from the cooling water.
Trouble hampered cold shutdown at Hamaoka
The problem at the coastal plant in Shizuoka Prefecture was caused by seawater that leaked into a steam condenser at the reactor. ...
The water also found its way into the reactor, making it necessary to desalinate it, the company said.
Two-thirds back Kan over Hamaoka closure
Prime Minister Naoto Kan's decision to request the closure of the Hamaoka nuclear power plant was supported by 66.2 percent of the public, a new poll says.
. . . . . May 22, 2011
Hamaoka condenser pipes cracked
Damage has been found to pipes in a turbine steam condenser at the Hamaoka nuclear plant in Omaezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture, according to Chubu Electric Power Co.
The utility is now trying to find the cause of the damage, which may include fractures.
The pipes, measuring 3 cm in diameter, are used to move cooling seawater through the condenser at reactor No. 5.
source : Japan Times May 22 .
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Japan's nuclear conundrum
Concerns regarding nuclear power in Japan following the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant are fueling debates on a possible reformulation of the country's energy policy.
While a complete transition from the current energy mix would not make economic sense, the government needs to take into consideration the geographical vulnerabilities of Japan's nuclear power plants and public sentiment against them.
The decision to shut down the Hamaoka nuclear power plant due to growing concerns over the seismic risks of the location is certainly understandable. It could, however, have a rippling effect on the domestic front and the government may face economic challenges if power shortages arise.
source : Japan Times, May 25, 2011
quote from March 14th, 2011
Japan’s deadly game of nuclear roulette
The 52 reactors in Japan — which generate a little over 30 percent of its electricity — are located in an area the size of California, many within 150 km of each other and almost all built along the coast where seawater is available to cool them.
Because Hamaoka sits directly over the subduction zone near the junction of two plates, and is overdue for a major earthquake, it is considered to be the most dangerous nuclear power plant in Japan.
Last summer, I visited Hamaoka nuclear power plant in Shizuoka Prefecture, at the request of citizens concerned about the danger of a major earthquake. I spoke about my findings at press conferences afterward.
The next day I was surprised to see so many reporters attending the two press conferences held at Kakegawa City Hall and Shizuoka Prefecture Hall. When I asked the reporters why they had come so far from Tokyo to hear an American geoscientist, I was told it was because no foreigner had ever come to tell them how dangerous Japan’s nuclear power plants are.
“The structures of the nuclear plant are directly rooted in the rock bed and can tolerate a quake of magnitude 8.5 on the Richter scale,” the utility claimed on its Web site.
After visiting the center a few kilometers from Hamaoka, I realized that Japan has no real nuclear-disaster plan in the event that an earthquake damaged a reactor’s water-cooling system and triggered a reactor meltdown.
When I asked ERC officials how they planned to evacuate millions of people from Shizuoka Prefecture and beyond after a Kobe-magnitude earthquake (Kobe is on the same subduction zone as Hamaoka) destroyed communication lines, roads, railroads, drinking-water supplies and sewage lines, they had no answer.
source : hdff.org
BUT read this article to balance it:
. Leuren Moret, sense or nonsense ? .
Saturday, June 18, 2011
43 condenser pipes damaged at Shizuoka nuke plant
Chubu Electric Power Co. said Friday that 43 pipes in a turbine steam condenser were found to be damaged at the Hamaoka nuclear plant in Shizuoka Prefecture, after the utility last month probed the leak of seawater into a reactor at the plant.
Two other pipes were found to be deformed, the utility added, without elaborating.
On May 14, some 5 tons of seawater entered the No. 5 reactor at the plant in the city of Omaezaki, following the discovery of around 400 tons of seawater in the condenser, which cools steam from the turbine and turns it into water.
The trouble occurred during work to put the reactor into a state of cold shutdown, according to Chubu Electric. At that time, about 530 tons of water were flowing per hour through the recirculation pipe for adjusting the water volume inside the reactor.
While there are some 21,000 pipes measuring 3 cm in diameter installed inside the condenser, the metal lid for the recirculation pipe was found to have fallen approximately 90 cm from the damaged pipes. The lid is about 20 cm across and weighs 3.5 kg.
As the recirculation pipe had a fracture on its welded part near the lid, water that gushed out of it possibly damaged the pipes, the utility said.
source : Japan Times
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Suit seeks to shut Hamaoka reactors for good
A group of residents and a mayor in Shizuoka Prefecture filed a lawsuit Friday seeking the decommissioning of the reactors at the Hamaoka nuclear power plant for safety reasons.
The reactors were ordered taken offline by the Naoto Kan administration due to their location on a major fault zone.
Amid a spread of antinuclear movements sparked by the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, the lawsuit is the first of what is expected to be a series of similar suits at district courts nationwide in the fall to shut down nuclear plants.
Friday's suit filed with the Shizuoka District Court says Chubu Electric Power Co. should decommission reactors 3, 4 and 5, arguing they are at great risk of being hit by a major earthquake and tsunami and ground liquefaction, and can't be made safe.
While the plant's remaining two older reactors are due to be decommissioned, the three newer reactors have been suspended since May to preclude the kind of disaster caused by the March 11 quake and tsunami.
The 34 plaintiffs, who include Hajime Mikami, 66, the mayor of Kosai, a city in Shizuoka about 60 km from the plant, are also demanding that spent fuel from all five reactors be stored safely.
"It is the court's role to protect the safety and rights of the people," lawyer Toshihiro Suzuki, who heads a 123-member defense team, told a news conference. "I expect it to come to a wise decision."
Chubu Electric issued a statement saying:
"We will do our utmost to gain the court's support with regard to the safety of nuclear plants."
Under the current plan, operations at reactors 3, 4 and 5 may be resumed after Chubu Electric completes additional measures against tsunami, such as building breakwaters.
Reactors 1 and 2 were deactivated in 2008 for decommissioning.
The mayor of Kosai is the only municipal leader in the prefecture to seek the permanent shutdown amid the crisis in Fukushima.
source : Japan Times
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Utility seeks support toward Hamaoka restart
Chubu Electric Power Co. President Akihisa Mizuno is calling on the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for a financial break after the government ordered the utility to halt operations at its Hamaoka nuclear power plant for safety reasons.
In a request handed Monday to METI chief Banri Kaieda, Chubu Electric said it wants the government to explain to credit rating agencies and financial institutions that Hamaoka will be suspended for a "limited period" and sought the utility's exemption from the petroleum and coal tax while the plant is suspended.
Chubu Electric also wants the government to delay seeking contributions from the utility for a planned government-backed entity to financially assist Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s massive compensation payouts over the Fukushima crisis, Mizuno said.
Keidanren-Areva accord
Paris —
The head of Japan's largest business lobby and a senior official of Areva SA, France's nuclear-power equipment provider involved in efforts to stabilize the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear complex, agreed Monday on the need to enhance safety at atomic plants.
source : Japan Times
Wednesday, July 06, 2011 14:22 - NHK
Plaintiffs demand decommission of Hamaoka reactors
In a high court session in Tokyo, residents living near the Hamaoka nuclear power plant in central Japan have called for the immediate decommissioning of all the facility's reactors.
The plant's operator countered by saying it will further reinforce safety measures based on the Fukushima nuclear accident in March.
The hearing on Wednesday at the Tokyo High Court concerned the Chubu Electric Power Company's Hamaoka plant in Shizuoka Prefecture. It was the first session since operations of the plant's reactors were suspended in May at the government's request. The plant is located in an area where a major quake is predicted to occur.
The plaintiffs filed the suit in 2003 demanding a halt to the plant's operations, citing the high possibility of a nuclear accident caused by the predicted major Tokai earthquake.
Four years ago, the Shizuoka District Court rejected the suit, ruling that there is no need for excessive concern about the possibility of a massive quake. The plaintiffs appealed the case.
At the high court session on Wednesday, the plaintiffs claimed it would be impossible to resume operations at the plant after the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and taking into consideration the effects of a magnitude 9 quake.
The Chubu Electric Power Company countered by saying it has taken adequate anti-quake measures and that it plans to build new embankment to protect the plant from huge tsunami. It added that it will further reinforce safety measures by studying how the Fukushima accident occurred.
The focus of attention is on how the high court will evaluate the utility's assumptions on the magnitude of earthquakes and safety measures.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
'Stress tests' to be done in two stage
The government announces a new safety assessment plan for nuclear plants, making it a precondition that reactors undergo checks to pass the first stage of the "stress tests" before they can be restarted. ...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hamaoka host city at crossroads
Nuke plant site faces decision: Cut or preserve atomic ties?
With Chubu Electric Power Co.'s Hamaoka nuclear power plant in limbo, the complex's host city faces a tough decision: Stick with atomic power — and all the riches that come with it — or look for opportunity elsewhere and dismantle the potentially deadly cash cow.
Chubu Electric had to shut down the Hamaoka plant in the city of Omaezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture, in May over safety concerns after the March 11 Tohoku temblor and tsunami triggered the atomic crisis at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power complex.
The Hamaoka plant, built on a major active fault line that runs through the city, is thought to be in the focal area of an anticipated magnitude-8-class earthquake.
... The once-impoverished town has flourished on government subsidies for and revenues from the 3.8 million-kw plant, which accounts for more than 10 percent of Chubu Electric's power capacity and supplies one of the nation's key industrial zones.
... In 1967, Chubu Electric proposed building the nuclear plant in Hamaoka, an offer many in the town considered a boon.
One local official said,
"It was like a crane that lays golden eggs landing in one of our rice paddies."
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011 22:26 - NHK WORLD
Quake damage to turbine blades found at Tokai
Damage to turbine blades, apparently caused by the March 11th earthquake, has been found at a nuclear power plant in Ibaraki Prefecture, eastern Japan.
The Tokai Daini plant, about 100 kilometers north of Tokyo, automatically shut down in the quake. The operator of the plant, Japan Atomic Power Company, has been checking the plant closely since May in a regular checkup scheduled to last 6 months.
It says it discovered friction marks on the blades and other parts of the reactor's turbines.
The company believes the damage was caused by the March 11 quake as similar marring had been reported in another plant in Niigata Prefecture in the wake of an earthquake in 2007.
The utility says some parts were also found missing from a device that injects coolant into the reactor. It also discovered cracks in equipment attached to the upper parts of the reactor.
It says it is investigating whether those defects were also caused by the March quake.
In the giant quake, the Tokai Daini plant lost its outside power sources, and had to rely on emergency generators until regular power returned.
Earlier this month the government nuclear safety body found the level of quake-resistance of the electrical equipment at the plant was below the standard set by power companies.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011 14:58 - NHK
Monju fast-breeder reactor project may be reviewed
Japan's science minister has suggested that the government may have to abandon the project to develop an experimental fast-breeder nuclear reactor.
Yoshiaki Takaki told reporters on Friday that it is natural to discuss the future of the Monju project in light of the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
He said the issue of whether to continue or abandon Monju must be discussed in the context of Japan's overall energy policy.
The government regards the fast-breeder reactor as Japan's next-generation nuclear power plant and hope to put it into practical use in about 40 years.
Monju, located in Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture, has been suspended since last August due to a technical problem. The trouble occurred only 3 months after Monju resumed operation in May last year following a 14-year shutdown caused by a leakage of sodium coolant in 1995.
Friday, July 22, 2011 - NHK
Hamaoka operator to build 18m-high embankment
The operator of the Hamaoka nuclear power plant in central Japan plans to build an 18-meter-high embankment by December next year to prevent tsunami damage to the facility.
Chubu Electric Power Company said on Friday that the breakwater will be higher than the 15-meter waves that hit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on March 11th. The barrier would also be 10 meters taller than the highest waves expected in the area in the event of 3 major earthquakes occurring at the same time.
The utility had been studying plans to build a new embankment 1.5 kilometers along the coast by the plant, in the wake of the Fukushima accident.
Chubu Electric said it will also extend the height of an embankment now surrounding the plant. The firm also plans to build a waterproof building to house a backup pump for injecting seawater into reactors in case other cooling functions are lost due to tsunami flooding.
The firm said the measures will cost around 1.3 billion dollars, and plans to complete all construction by December 2012.
The plant has 3 reactors, excluding 2 that have been stopped for decommissioning. Of the 3, one is undergoing a regular checkup, and the others were stopped in line with a request from Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who cited risks of major earthquakes and tsunamis.
Chubu Electric is to brief local residents on its new safety measures to gain support for resuming operations at the 3 reactors.
Monday, September 26, 2011
City assembly calls on shutdown of Hamaoka plant - NHK
A city assembly in central Japan has adopted a resolution calling on the permanent shutdown of a local nuclear power plant unless its safety is guaranteed.
The Makinohara City Assembly in Shizuoka Prefecture adopted the resolution on Monday. The city is located within 10 kilometers from the Hamaoka nuclear plant.
Mayor Shigeki Nishihara said he views the resolution seriously and shares the assembly's concern for the safety of the city's residents. He also said automaker Suzuki is considering moving its factories out of the prefecture because of the risk of a nuclear accident.
Chubu Electric, the plant operator, says it will do all it can to improve the safety of the Hamaoka plant.
As part of a nationwide government mandate, 3 of the plant's 5 reactors went offline following the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The 2 other reactors had already been shut down for decommissioning.
Chubu Electric is now building a breakwater to improve safety measures against future tsunami. It hopes to resume operations of the 3 reactors.
The utility had previously signed a pact to assure nuclear power plant safety with Makinohara and 3 other cities within 10 kilometers from the plant, as well as the prefecture. The prefecture usually approves a plant's operation if local municipalities give their consent.
Monday's resolution is likely to affect the utility's plan to restart the reactors.
Monday, April 02, 2012
NISA calls on Chubu utility to prepare for tsunami
Japan's nuclear safety agency has instructed Chubu Electric Power Company to implement comprehensive measures to protect its Hamaoka nuclear power plant from tsunami as tall as 21 meters.
The instruction comes after a government panel last Friday revised upward its prediction about the likely intensity of a major earthquake expected along the Nankai Trough in the Pacific Ocean. It also raised the maximum height of tsunami that could be triggered by such a mega-quake.
The panel said that tsunami hitting the coast near the Hamaoka power plant could be as tall as 21 meters, or higher than the18-meter breakwater currently being built by the Chubu Electric Power Company.
The utility has been building the breakwater in response to the nuclear accident in Fukushima.
The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency on Monday called on Chubu Electric to evaluate the impact the newly projected tsunami would have on the Hamaoka plant, and to report its findings by April 16th. It instructed the utility to take additional measures should its ongoing preparations be found to be inadequate.
An agency official says he also called on the utility to make sure its current disaster preparedness measures were sufficient to prevent a nuclear fuel meltdown.
July 30, 2012
Anti-tsunami work at Hamaoka plant extended
The operator of the Hamaoka nuclear power station in central Japan has decided it needs an additional year to complete work on making the plant stronger against tsunami.
Following last year's accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the government said that completion of anti-tsunami measures would be a minimum requirement for reactivating suspended nuclear power plants.
The Chubu Electric Power Company accepted the government request and shut down 3 reactors at its plant in Shizuoka Prefecture last year. The other 2 reactors at the plant had already been shut down for decommissioning.
Chubu Electric is building a breakwater and installing reserve power generators with a budget of about 140 billion yen, or about180 million dollars.
The utility decided and reported to the authorities on Monday on a one year extension of the construction period after discovering that it will take longer than expected to connect extra power generators to reactor cooling equipment.
The company also reported it will complete an 18-meter-high breakwater, as well as work to waterproof reactor buildings, by the year-end as scheduled. However, the company said it will further examine anti-tsunami measures. Earlier this year, a government panel predicted that the maximum tsunami height near the plant could reach 21 meters.
Discussions on restarting the halted reactors at the plant are expected to be put off for the time being.
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I support Prime Minister Kan's wise decision.Hopefully California will make the sam e decision concerning their Nuclear Power plants,which are also built on major fault lines.
ReplyDeleteSeawater-induced corrosion found at Hamaoka plant
ReplyDeleteThe operator of the Hamaoka nuclear power plant in central Japan says it has detected fresh corrosion from seawater in one of the reactors.
The government ordered Chubu Electric Power Company to shut down all 5 reactors at the facility in Shizuoka Prefecture in May 2011. The move followed the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant two months earlier.
The shutdown created cracks, allowing about 400 tons of seawater to flow into the Number 5 reactor building. Salt corroded pipes and other equipment.
Chubu Electric says waterproof cameras last November detected damage to at least at 3 locations in stainless steel linings inside the reactor. The parts are several millimeters thick.
The utility says the corrosion in 2 of these locations is too deep to be polished away. But it adds that the reactor poses no safety risk since it was sealed with a lid last month.
The utility plans to further monitor the corrosion using ultrasonic waves.
Jan. 30, 2013