by Ito Masataka いとうまさたか-san
A whole page with "Pray for Japan"
source : ynwa
. my DARUMA for JAPAN .
Gabi reports:
Ashoka is the global association of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs—men and women with system changing solutions for the world’s most urgent social problems.
They are now calling on young Japanese with ideas for restructuring and revival of the Tohoku region and the tsunami-damaged villages.
Ashoka Japan アショカ
. http://www.ashoka.org/news/8060 .
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Bulletins from NHK Online
source : www3.nhk.or.jp
Saturday, May 21, 2011 02:44
Japan PM strives to regain neighbors' confidence
The Japanese Prime Minister will try to show Japan's neighbors that tourism and food in the country are safe. South Korean President Lee Myung Bak and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will visit areas hit by the March 11th earthquake.
A trilateral summit will begin in Tokyo on Saturday. The two visiting leaders will see parts of Miyagi prefecture devastated by the quake and tsunami. Kan will then take the two leaders to an evacuation shelter in Fukushima city.
Prime Minister Kan says it will be a good opportunity to show people in China and South Korea that Japan is safe.
The three leaders will be served food produced in disaster areas at a reception on Saturday evening.
Japan, S.Korea to share more nuclear safety info
Japan and South Korea have agreed to improve their communication on issues of nuclear power safety.
South Korean Foreign Affairs Minister Kim Sung Hwan and his Japanese counterpart Takeaki Matsumoto met in Tokyo on Friday ahead of a summit of Japanese, Chinese, and South Korean leaders.
Matsumoto thanked South Korea for its assistance after the earthquake and tsunami, and expressed his hope for closer cooperation on nuclear safety among the three countries.
Kim asked for stepped up contact with Japan on nuclear safety issues. Earlier, Japan did not give prior notice before releasing relatively low-level radioactive water into the ocean from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
Saturday, May 21, 2011 10:06
Over 10,000 out of work in Iwate's coastal areas
More than 10,000 people are out of work in coastal areas of Iwate Prefecture since the March 11th earthquake and tsunami.
The prefecture's labor bureau announced the job situation in 4 tsunami-hit cities. Iwate is one of the prefectures hardest hit by the disaster.
The bureau says 10,382 people applied for unemployment benefits at job placement centers in the 4 cities from March 12th through May 13th. The figure topped 10,000 for the first time since the disaster.
4,608 of the applications were filed in the city of Ofunato. The figure is equivalent to 30 percent of all people there covered by unemployment insurance, excluding the self-employed, fishermen, and others.
Applications totaled 2,588 in Miyako, 2,356 in Kamaishi, and 830 in Kuji.
The labor bureau says the job situation will remain severe in the coastal areas.
Saturday, May 21, 2011 12:04
"Mega float" arrives at Fukushima nuclear plant
A giant barge has arrived at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant for use as a facility to store a growing amount of radioactive water.
The steel barge, 136 meters long and 46 meters wide, can store up to 10,000 tons of water. It has been provided to Tokyo Electric Power Company from Shizuoka City in central Japan, where it had been used as a fishing park.
The barge entered the nuclear plant's port on Saturday.
At the plant, the amount of relatively low-level radioactive water keeps increasing as efforts to cool the reactors continue. Rain also falls on ground containing radioactive substances that were scattered by explosions following the March 11th disaster.
TEPCO plans to store the radioactive water in the barge for a while. The situation is feared to worsen when the rainy season begins.
The barge will be connected to pipes to transfer radioactive water from the nuclear plant.
Voices from around
. Daily Radiation Levels .
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Japan Times :
Tepco suffers record \1.24 trillion group loss as president takes the fall
Tokyo Electric reports a record group net loss of \1.24 trillion for fiscal 2010.
Public flooding officials with tsunami fears
Trying conditions for evacuees
... more than 100,000 people continue to live in harsh conditions at temporary shelters.
Stress levels are rising among these people and some feel that they are reaching the limits of their endurance. They have little privacy, few chances to bathe or wash their clothes and cannot even use toilet facilities as frequently as they would like.
... Residents in shelters face daunting psychological and hygiene problems. Rising temperatures will increase the risk of infectious diseases and dehydration. Precautions must be taken to guard against such threats.
Crisis center kept in dark on SPEEDI data
The crisis management center was not informed about SPEEDI data predicting how radioactive substances would spread from the damaged Fukushima No.1 power plant, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said Friday.
... The government eventually directed people within 20 km of the plant to evacuate and those within 20 to 30 km to stay indoors or voluntarily leave on March 11 through 12. But the SPEEDI projections were only being sent to the United Nations. It was disclosed to the Japanese public much later.
... The NSC's guidelines call for any danger zone set up around a nuclear disaster to have a roughly 8- to 10-km radius, much smaller than the 20- to 30-km radius now in place at Fukushima. This casts doubt on whether the NSC fully grasped the dangers nuclear disasters pose to their surroundings.
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Leak from Japan reactor 100 times more than permitted
ReplyDeleteThe Malaysian Insider
TOKYO, May 21 – A water leak from Japan’s tsunami-crippled nuclear power station earlier this month resulted in about 100 times the permitted level of radioactive material flowing into the sea, operator Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) said today.
TEPCO said the leak discovered on May 11 at a storage pit outside the No.3 reactor of the Fukushima Daiichi had started in the early hours of the previous day and lasted for 41 hours, releasing 250 cubic metres of contaminated water into the sea.
An estimated 20 terabecquerels of radioactive material escaped as a result, a company spokesman told a news conference.
Since a devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan disabled the plant’s cooling systems, TEPCO has been pouring water and seawater on the reactors to prevent disastrous meltdowns.
The utility has scrambled to find means of storing the contaminated water, some of which has seeped into the ocean and raised concerns from neighbouring countries.
In April, the plant’s No.2 reactor developed similar leaks, which the operator managed to seal with liquid glass and other substances. TEPCO later intentionally released low-level radioactive water into the sea after it ran out of storage capacity for more highly contaminated water.
The latest study on the April leak from the No.2 reactor showed it included a total 4,700 terabecquerels of radioactive material in 500 cubic metres of water.
The company reported these new findings to the government’s safety agency late yesterday.
The quake and tsunami in Japan breaks everyone's heart. Because I live in CA, I am very aware of earthquakes. It's hard to prepare in every way, but one thing that I'd like to do is to get furniture straps. For such a small amount of money, I can protect my loved ones from having large pieces of furniture falling on them. As anyone knows when a quake hits, it's very hard to move. During those precious moments, the furniture straps can save lives.