「きらり!えん旅」 NHK Kirari Entabi
En Tabi - 東北を応援する - To support Tohoku
Artists and entertainers travel through Tohoku, introduce some local specialities and give a performance to encourage the people living in temporary housings.
October 2011
source : www.nhk.or.jp/ashita
December 2011
Maggie Shiro マギー司郎 Magician
in Aizu Wakamatsu 会津若松市
グッチ裕三&八代亜紀 Singers in Iwate
Togi Hideki 東儀秀樹 traditional flute player
Togi san was in Shirakawa Town 白河市.
A group if young men from the village center have formed a group
Daru raizaa 「ダルライザー」Daruma Riser

to support the town via the famous Daruma spirit.
They want to promote the spirit of
"seven times down, eight times up", which Daruma teaches us.
To get up after the damage of the great earthquake is the most important task for all the people living there.
Many live in temporary homes, evacuees from the Fukushima radiation zone.
The group had been formed in 2008 as mascot characters for Shirakawa, to "protect the shopping zone" of the town.
source : Dharuriser official side
When Togi played the famous song of
"Furusato 故郷" (My Hometown), all started to cry, and even Togi was moved to tears by the performance of the drummers, the children playing in concert with him and all the things he experienced on this trip.

白河高校吹奏楽部 The High School Music Group
source : cgi2.nhk.or.jp/navi/detail
. Tougi Hideki, Togi Hideki 東儀秀樹 .
famous gagaku flute player
. Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま .
のんびりゆったり 路線バスの旅
ひるブラ - 秋田県乳頭温泉郷
世界遺産 平泉
秋田内陸線の旅 and more
source : NHK progrmas in support of Tohoku
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