. Japanese Tsunami History and Legends .
Hokusai, the Great Wave and the Tsunami
北斎 津波

- source : facebook -

- Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) 葛飾北斎 -
神奈川沖波裏 The Great Wave off Kanagawa

- quotes
After the Great Tsunami natural disaster in 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake
Hokusai's famous image could be frequently seen in the press referred to as an early 19th century document of a huge tsunami wave.
Although it is often used in tsunami literature, there is no reason to suspect that Hokusai intended it to be interpreted in that way . . .
The print is today often reproduced as the artistic depiction of a tsunami.
Did Hokusai really have a tsunami in mind when he composed this work?
The waves in this work are sometimes mistakenly referred to as tsunami (津波), but they are more accurately called okinami (沖波), great off-shore waves.
Hokusai's Tsunami Mouse Pad
RedBubble's hokusai tsunami page
Hagane Metal Cover Tsunami-Hokusai
. more reference .
. . . . . its precursor,
a print which Hokusai made more than ten years before The Great Wave. It is called Oshiokuri Hato Tsusen no Zu
(Fast Cargo Boat Battling The Waves)

The most obvious difference is that the ocean foam is drawn differently: in The Great Wave, they curl more and resemble claws to show a truly menacing wave.
In Fast Cargo Boat the large wave is at the beginning of its descent back into the sea, but this shape is still too 'solid' to show the great force of the wave. In fact, it looks more like a mountain than a wave. By contrast, in The Great Wave, Hokusai has let the wave curl forward more so that it is about to collapse onto the boats beneath, the terrifying wall of water spiralling to create a more dynamic form.
- source : thesoundsinsidemyhead -

The Great Wave off Kanagawa 神奈川沖浪裏,
Kanagawa Oki Nami Ura, lit. "Under a Wave off Kanagawa", also known as
The Great Wave or simply The Wave ...
While sometimes assumed to be a tsunami, the wave is, as the picture's title notes, more likely to be a large okinami - literally "wave of the open sea."
Copies of the print are in many Western collections,...
Edmond de Goncourt described the wave in this way:
"The drawing of the wave is a deification of the sea made by a painter who lived with the religious terror of the overwhelming ocean completely surrounding his country; He is impressed by the sudden fury of the ocean's leap toward the sky, by the deep blue of the inner side of the curve, by the splash of its claw-like crest as it sprays forth droplets."
There are two similar works, dated some 30 years before the publication of The Great Wave, that are its precursors. They are Kanagawa-oki Honmoku no zu and Oshiokuri Hato Tsusen no Zu, both works with subjects identical to the Great Wave: a sailboat and a rowboat respectively. In both precursor works, the subjects are in the midst of a storm, beneath a great wave that threatens to devour them. ...
source : wikipedia
I saw a feature on TV, a take of a high wave with a high-speed camera
and there the breaking wave droplets looked just as Hokusai had painted them
... it was quite amazing!
His eyesight must have been phantastically fine-tuned.

source : bbs.kakaku.com

Recycled Beer Can Pop Culture by Macaon
Aluminium Can Art

"Neo-Hokusai" art motifs - mag.japaaan 73177

brick wave - source - picpabun #hokusai
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facebook Garfield 2023
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facebook - Architecture & Design 2023
Look at more photos here !

source : forbiddenplanet.co.uk

source: Weisstub instagram

source : japaaan.com...
source : NHK World Japan Jan. 15, 2022

“Today’s Japan – Hokusai’s Big Wave – The Political Cat”
by Takashi Ono. This is number 7 of a limited edition of his print, totaling 30, dated 2013.
Takashi Ono was born in Tokyo. He was strongly impressed by the original and imaginative woodblock prints of Yasunori Taninaka and self-studied woodblock printing from 1983. He made numerous book illustrations in 1980-2000s.
- source : Hayato on facebook

Fat Cat Art - Facebook 2020/02/cat day
- another cat in the waves -

source : facebook - syukado
See all the masks from the Covid epidemic !
- source : facebook 2020 -
Artist Recreates Hokusai’s ‘Great Wave’ Out of 50,000 LEGO Blocks
source : mymodernmet.com/jumpei-mitsui...
- Minimalist Landscape Illustrations

source : mymodernmet.com - Lim Heng Swee

Hokusai wave in a bathtub
Ji Dachun (1968)

- click for more versions -
- Create Early Bliss - facebook 2021 -
- Sushi by Tama-chan - facebook 2021 -

source : facebook
Tokoname teapot by Yoshikawa Setsudo
--- and how about an eclair with your tea?

éclair by Fauchon from Takashimaya Shinjuku store
source : facebook

- source - BHTK on facebook February 23, 2013 -

Godzilla in The Great Wave Men's underwear
- source : fatcatart.com Catzilla -
source - mag.japaaan.com/archives...
Stirring animated version of Hokusai paintings
is like watching anime from the Edo period 【Video】
- source : Casey Baseel -

Shiriagari Kotobuki 2015
Manga Hokusai Manga:
Approaching the Master’s Compendium from the Perspective of Contemporary Comics
- source : jpf.go.jp/e/project -

- source : mag.japaaan.com/archives -

- quote -
Enjoy traditional views of Mt Fuji
from your very own luxury toilet
... the Fuji III design, which features The Great Wave off Kanagawa, the first and best-known print in the series.
- source : en.rocketnews24.com/2016/04/24-

Hokusai - A Colored Version Of the Big Wave - on google
AND more amazing versions of the Big Wave
- source : www.google.co.jp -
umi no ha 海の歯 teeth of the ocean

The Billy Files

source : facebook

By Matsumoto san

Berlin - Japanischer Garten - Königliche Gartenakademie
Japanische Wochen vom 28. Februar bis 15. Mai 2015,
Design des Japanischen Gartens:Christian Otto
Abbildung: Copywright by Ohlow & Otto.
- source : Das Japanische Gedachtnis - facebook -

- source : Ronin on facebook -

"The Seasons of the Bunny" - by Kozyndan

source : facebook

CLICK for more photos !
Panasonic recreated Hokusai's Great Wave
With lettuce and an eggplant.
Take on the samurai in Edo Period Toei
At the Toei Kyoto Studio Park in Kansai, you can get close to the action and see what it’s all about.

. . . the Ukiyo-e Woodblock Print Gallery, posing for cheesy pictures that placed us into the artworks of legends such as Katsushika Hokusai and Toshusai Sharaku.
- source : Japan Times, June 2015
source : moviewalker.jp/news ...

This is a print to raise money for the Japanese Red Cross distributed directly among the earthquake and tsunami affected Japanese population. All the funds received will be transferred by the Red Cross to the Distribution Committee which is formed around the local government of the disaster affected prefecture in Japan.
source : www.drymounted.com

- source : kanisokuhou.blogspot.jp -
Monsters of Japan - Dragon with 9 heads
ルルイエの支配者 クトゥルー 九頭龍
Kappa riding the big wave
source - belzel on Flickr

Oni demon on a dragon surfboard
- by Don Hardy

source : facebook
Coockie Monster Wave

big wave tsunami hokusai parodies paintings famous pinguino
source : www.toonpool.com/cartoons

The Great Wave Dartboard ダーツボード - if you click on any board on the following page,
folks will begin to surf inside . . .
- source : www.zazzle.co.jp/the+great+wave

Dominic Alves
- source : facebook -

kicks from TeeFury
- source : rocketnews24.com -
. Great wave on T-Shirts ! .
Wave dress designed by Russian designer Alena Akhmadullina

source : facebook
American mid-term Elections in November, 2018

source : Marc Anthony on facebook
the Blue Wave

- CLICK for enlargement!
"Great Wave" Emerges on a Giant Building Facade
- source : google -

. 錦糸町駅南口 South Exit of Kinshicho Station .
IArt - Facebook, August 2023

Male 男浪 and Female Wave 女浪
source : onmyoji tatsuya
Hokusai and Obuse 小布施
In 1844 at age 85, Hokusai visited Obuse and spent about six months working on the Ryu (Dragon) and Ho-o (Chinese Phoenix) paintings for the Higashi-machi Festival float.
. . . CLICK here for "Hokusai Tsunami" Photos !
. . . CLICK here for more Photos 北斎 津波 !
The Great Wave in
Inakadate village, Aomori 田舎館(村)
. Rice Field Art 田んぼアート Tanbo Art .
Katsushika Hokusai Electronic Circuit Board
by Joel Betancourt

source : facebook
Help Japan Poster

Atlanta-based designer Amy Rader created this design after the terrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan, inspired by quote by Petra Nemcova:
The world is one body.
When one part is injured,
all is effected.
- source : facebook

PROJECT SENBAZURU (Project One Thousand Cranes)
from Tumblr, a variation on Hokusai's Great Wave.
- source : facebook -
Kaijo no Fuji - Fuji on the Sea

- source : facebook - kleiosbelly

Lawrence, KS • Curl Study • graphite on paper, 2013
- source : Yoshio at facebook

The Wave of Hokusai in the Catacombes of Paris
the moving wave

- Look at it here :
- source : ilustra.org/wp-content - gifArt -

- Look at it here :
- source : 45.media.tumblr.com -

Ebisu beer, Summer 2017
Five years later - 2016
Return of a Perilous Beauty
A tsunami-battered town tries to get back on its feet: struggle, conflict, bureaucracy and, yes, hope.
- source : by Charles Pomeroy -

. 2019 - New Banknotes for Japan .
In March 2019, Japanese finance minister Taro Aso announced that Japanese banknotes will be getting a redesign.
The 1,000 yen note will feature bacteriologist Shibasaburo Kitasato. His achievements in the field of infectious disease prevention include the development of a treatment for tetanus.
The reverse side is Japanese ukiyoe master Katsushika Hokusai's "In the Well of the Great Wave off Kanagawa." It's one of the world's most famous woodblock prints.

nami ni tanchoo 波に丹頂 Crane and Wave
歌川広重Utagawa Hiroshige
Yuko Shimizu - facebook 2023
. Tokyo Olympics 2020 .
Manga artist Hirohiko Araki’s
“The Sky above The Great Wave off the Coast of Kanagawa”
is a dynamic scene of Paralympians in motion. Inspired by Katsushika Hokusai’s woodblock print masterpiece “The Great Wave,”
Remembering the destruction in Fukushima and along the coast of Tohoku.
- quote -
Koya Abe (b. 1964) ‘After Red Fuji’,
from ‘Digital Art Chapter Six: Animism’. Photographic inkjet print, 2015. Photographic inkjet print made with Epson archival ink (Ultra Chrome K3 ink) on Epson Premium Luster paper. Interpretation of Katsushika Hokusai's 'Gaifū kaisei' ['Clear Day with a Southern Breeze', called 'Red Fuji'], from the series "Fugaku sanjūrokkei" (Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji), with Mt. Fuji deleted.
Reproduced by permission of the artist..
- source : britishmuseum.org ... - British Museum

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. Japanese Tsunami History and Legends .
##hokusai #tsunami
The ‘Great Wave’ that reached the West
ReplyDeleteby Matthew Larking
Ukiyo-e prints could be found in Europe from at least 1795 at the Cabinet des Estampes at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris. It was not until the 1850s, however, when trade between Japan and Europe began to flourish, that the craze for things Japanese began to crescendo.
The story goes that French printmaker Felix Bracquemond (1833-1914) encountered a picture-book by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) that arrived in France with a shipment of porcelain in the late 1850s. In 1859, a sourcebook by the potter and designer Eugene Collinot and Adalbert de Beaumont included Hokusai’s imagery.
The first full-scale Hokusai exhibitionoutside of Japan took place in 1892 at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, in the curatorial department of the Department of Japanese Art (now the Art of Asia, Oceania and Africa Collection) founded by Ernest Fenollosa, who also became its curator, after his return from Japan in 1890. At least four prints from that exhibition 150 years ago are included in “Hokusai from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,” which is currently showing at Kobe City Museum. Many of the works on display came from a number of donations, though the largest was by William Sturgis Bigelow, who gifted approximately 40,000 works to the museum in 1911.
I saw the Hokusai exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston in 2015.
ReplyDeleteso small a space
on the museum wall:
Hokusai's "Great Wave"
My wife had a similar reaction the first time she saw Van Gogh's "The Starry NIght" in person. It gives an impression of such vastness, that she expected it to be a bigger painting than it is.
Edo Daruma Hakkei 江戸だるま八景
ReplyDeleteEight views of Daruma in Edo
Senbei for the year 2019 !
Nihonbashi Nishiki Horin
日本橋錦豊琳 -
Japanese company offers new ways to enjoy art
ReplyDeleteJapan is home to some of the most acclaimed museums in the world, with institutes across the country renowned for their diverse and comprehensive collections. These pieces are either on public display or in storage. But new technology is giving curators more options for how to showcase these works. One well-known company is redefining itself as it leads the charge in the effort to digitize the arts.
Katsushika Hokusai's "Under the Wave off Kanagawa" is one of the most iconic pieces of Japanese art. It is considered an archetype of the "ukiyo-e" style of woodblock prints. But despite being one of the most recognizable works of Japanese art, it is rarely on public display. This is because it is susceptible to damage from ultraviolet rays.
But an exhibit in Tokyo is giving visitors the chance to take pictures of the print, even offering a virtual reality experience of what it would be like to go beneath the waves. This is because what's on display is a digital replica.
The copy was created using technology from Japanese startup Ars Techne・Innovation. It incorporates 2 billion pixels of data from over 30 pictures of the print taken from various angles.
Data of the Hokusai print is stored at a facility owned by a company familiar to most residents of Japan. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation, or NTT East, was once a state-run company that managed the majority of the country's fixed-line telephone network. But now the use of these lines has declined to just 30 percent of peak traffic.
Several years ago, as NTT East facilities began to fall into underuse, the company started looking for ways to utilize its space. It came up with the idea of storing "digitalized artwork."
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