The seventh year after the earthquake starts !
six years later -
nothing can erase
these memories
March Eleven -
the power of death
and life

. Remember March 11, 2011, 14:46
. Hokusai : The Great Wave and the Tsunami .
In Retrospect
. - The End of the Year 2011 - .
- - - - - NOMI - A Tale of Tohoku - March 2017
by Hayato Tokugawa

I tried to think of how to end this story but I couldn’t — for now there is no end. Steps have been taken toward recovery, but still, many people live in tiny shacks or are otherwise homeless. Food and medicine are not always plentiful. People have lost their families, their homes, their livelihoods, or the means to earn a living.
Funding for the temporary homes is just that — temporary — and that will end.
Many politicians including Prime Minister Abe, despite their words to the press, would like to see the problem just fade away, especially as the plans for the Summer Olympics go on, spending billions of dollars on that when so many people need so much and patiently ask for so little. And then there is just greed and corruption.

- source : Hayato Tokugawa -
A lot is written and aired on TV
for the sixth anniversary of the events on March 11, 2011.

. - Read the latest information - .
in our Tohoku forum on facebook
another spring -
can the Kappa survive
radioactivity ?
. Kappa 河童 Legends from Fukushima .

. Tengu 天狗 Legends from Fukushima .
. . . Joys of Japan . . .
Join the Friends on Facebook !
NHK Earthquake Charity Song
Hana wa Saku 花は咲く Flowers Will Bloom

MORE videos to watch groups singing for Tohoku:
. NHK - www.nhk.or.jp/ashita .
Rural revitalization 地方創生
is becoming a kind of buzzword since 2014.
. Join our forum on Facebook .

kizuna 絆 the new bond between people
- - 2012 March 11 - Remember 2011 - -
- - 2012 March 11 - Poetry for Japan - -
. Radiation Problems - INFO .
. Reconstruction two years later - INFO .
. Toys and Talismans from Tohoku .
. Regional Food from Tohoku .
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